La mirada es objetiva, sin buenos ni malos. Debemos tener en cuenta que Constantinopla contaba con un formidable sistema de murallas que sumado a su ubicación geográfica la tornó inexpugnable durante siglos. Este hecho histórico marcó el fin de la Edad Media y el comienzo de la Edad Moderna, por la consecuente expansión marítima de las potencias europeas para crear otra ruta de las especias, cuya principal consecuencia inmediata fue el "descubrimiento" de América.Ĭomo en todo docudrama se alternan no muchas intervenciones de catedráticos de historia (algunas ciertamente redundantes) con flashbacks con dramatizaciones de la vida del sultán Mehmed II, (un joven ilustrado, tenaz, arrogante y audaz y que accedió precozmente al poder), escenificaciones de las batallas (con personas y digitales) y muy buenos diagramas y mapas animados sobre las batallas y las estrategias y tácticas bélicas, terrestres y navales.
Rise of an empire movie review full#
I did give it a full star though because it was epic in it's depictions and there were some depictions of the Ottomans, particularly Mehmed, that I think, if not entirely historically accurate, do demonstrate the prowess and strength of the conquering king.Įfectivo y didáctico docudrama sobre el asedio a Constantinopla y su caída en poder de los turcos otomanos en 1453Įfectivo y didáctico docudrama turco sobre el asedio a Constantinopla (una ciudad amurallada e inexpugnable durante siglos, capital del Imperio Bizantino) y su caída en 1453 a manos de los turcos otomanos comandados por el joven sultán Mehmed II, así como también una biopic de este último.Įste docudrama turco nos relata el asedio y caída de la ciudad de Constantinopla, capital de lo que quedaba del Imperio Romano de Oriente o Bizantino en poder de los turcos otomanos en 1453, a la vez que constituye una biopic del joven sultán Mehmed II, que comandaba el Imperio Otomano y las tropas vencedoras.
Rise of an empire movie review series#
It seems like the show would have more fittingly been called "The Fall of Empires: Byzantium." But regardless, what makes this series irredeemable is the miscasting of the Byzantines and and in some small ways the Ottomans. It is curious also that this series is called "Rise of Empires" when the Ottoman Empire for almost 150 years by the time Constantinople falls in 1453. But the fall of their Empire and the death of their last king. It was not only the end of the greatest city. For the Byzantines this was the Alamo on steroids. It was the last gasp of a people and culture that had been in decline and negotiating furiously for their existence for over 200 years. This would have been to any onlooker present a no-contest in favor of the Ottomans. Not to mention naval superiority and excessive canons and bombards. Constantinople was a city of at most 10,000 people (including the surrounding countryside) and was facing an army that was at least 10s of thousands of well equipped soldiers (possibly over 100,000 soldiers). If you are looking for a fictional retelling of a historical event, this is for you! This series has no sense of the Byzantine situation which was a crumbling shell of itself by the 15th century.